These last couple of weeks have continued to go really well for MaeLynn! The new medication she's on is doing wonders for her level of functionality!
Not a whole lot exciting has been going on...I know it's a lame excuse for not posting. One great thing that has happened within the last two weeks is that MaeLynn's two oldest girls have started school, and the twins and Abby have started into three days of preschool a week instead of two (thanks to the amazing generosity of the preschool)! Andy and MaeLynn are able to breathe a little easier during the days without so much chaos going on :)
MaeLynn hasn't had to use oxygen for the last couple of weeks either. She told me last week, "I feel good about life right now!" She really is able to talk and stay awake most of the day (as opposed to how July went). She's also sleeping better at nights and doesn't have to get up quite as often to use the bathroom! Hooray! She's had a lot of energy and prays that it stays for a while. We all do. Last Friday she got to go see the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love"...just her type of movie. She was able to stay awake through the whole movie and ended up liking it a lot! Andy even admitted to enjoying it.
For fun, MaeLynn's been doing more painting...here's a picture of her painting a castle piggy bank for Abby's birthday.

Their excitement for this week is getting a new roof...Here's a picture of the work in progress. I guess it's a project that has needed to be done for a long time...and now they're getting around to it. When Andy and his cousin Chris started pulling off shingles, they found that part of the roof had been burned at one point in time and was in pretty bad shape. They ended up re-framing the roof over the porch, and then having a roofing company come in and re-roof the rest. Whew!
Well, that's it for this time!