MaeLynn's Final Resting Place

MaeLynn's Final Resting Place
I went over to the cemetery the day after Memorial Day. You can tell she was so loved...and still is.

MaeLynn's Hummingbird Box

MaeLynn's Hummingbird Box
MaeLynn and Andy have been having a lot of fun getting into their artistic sides lately. This is one of MaeLynn's projects from this fall.

Thursday, March 4, 2010 does she look?

Here she is, Miss America! I finally convinced MaeLynn to pose so that we can see her well. I don't know if it's the morbid side of me, but I thought people might want to see how she's faring. The inevitable happened the other day....someone asked her if she was expecting. Awkward!!! She's thinking, "Um, no. This is just my parasitic tumor, Wilma. Say hello."
Of course she didn't SAY that, she was very polite.

She actually does call the tumor(s) Wilma, though. It's kind of funny in that crazy I'm-dying-so-I've-got-to-find-humor-in-something sort of way.


  1. Wilma, that's good! Or she could name it Dolores, which means "pains" in Spanish. (Makes you wonder why women name their daughters Dolores. Hmmmmm)

    Looking good, Mae!

  2. Thanks for posting the pictures.

  3. You are looken cute as always. You have always had the sweetest smile. I sent you an email so please watch for it. I need some info. from you. PS when they thought I had a tumor, but it turned out to be a very large cyst, we named it Harry, so I totally understand you naming it Wilma.

  4. No way! that is crazy, the tumor(s) is getting that big! Hang in there Maelynn! Love ya :)
