MaeLynn's Final Resting Place

MaeLynn's Final Resting Place
I went over to the cemetery the day after Memorial Day. You can tell she was so loved...and still is.

MaeLynn's Hummingbird Box

MaeLynn's Hummingbird Box
MaeLynn and Andy have been having a lot of fun getting into their artistic sides lately. This is one of MaeLynn's projects from this fall.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday December 6th 2010

Well, MaeLynn continues to be "all right"! She had a really nice Thanksgiving at her own home with her little family and her parents and sister. Andy did the turkey (I think his first time!) and it turned out really good.

I asked MaeLynn what her TOP 10 things she's grateful for are, and here's what she came up with: (Sorry I counted wrong when she was telling them to me, but nine's close enough, isn't it?)

MaeLynn's Top 9 Thankful fors
1. Pain meds!! and the fact that my pain is managed.

2. 8:00 pm (aka bedtime for the kids)

3. Sleeping kids :)

4. The people that still come help me on a regular basis...doing my laundry, doing my dishes, cleaning my house, bringing in meals.

5. The way the Lord works in that he blesses the people that help me even more than how much they bless me by the things that they do (which is ALOT!). (Then I don't feel as guilty accepting the help :)

6. Good TV nights when Andy and I can watch TV together

7. When Andrew's traps are empty :)

8. Jamba Juice (Christmas is coming!! hint hint)

9. The hospice program! I am so blessed to be on hospice and not be bedridden. My nurse still comes three times a week to check on me and she knows what to expect on death and dying. She can get me through panic attacks and she totally validates all my fears and feelings. The nurse's aide, also, really keeps me going. She makes me get showered and dressed five days a week whether I want to or not. I'm so grateful for both of them.

MaeLynn just keeps swimming! She's been busy shopping and creating for Christmas. It's been really nice to actually go WITH Andrew to do the Christmas shopping. Their Christmas decorations are all up, and the kids are getting excited. MaeLynn's been having fun making fancy headbands for her girls and for Christmas gifts. There's always some craft up her sleeve. Until next time, Peace on Earth, and Good Will toward men!


  1. Wow, this is so amazing! And to think Mae's "Early 30th Birthday Party" was almost a year ago. The blessings keep pouring in for your family! We love you and hope to be able to drop by for a visit sometime this Christmas season! xoxo

  2. Yay, MaeLynn! We are all so happy that you are able to enjoy this Christmas with your family.

  3. I'm glad things are going "well" for you. You are in my prayers.

  4. It is great to hear that Mae is hanging in there and doing well for her situation. We are praying for you and Andy daily. Love you guys.

  5. So positive. What an example! All my love!
